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Featured Artist

Barbara Fisher

Gallery Artist Barbara Fisher has been busy in quarantine! Transforming interior narratives into a visual language, Fisher creates stunning abstract works in a variety of mediums. Combining fragments of thoughts, gestural marks, scribbles, and fields of color, Fisher's atmospheric paintings provide a space for contemplation and discovery.


Fisher recently received a prestigious grant from the renowned Pollock-Krasner Foundation, which seeks to award funding to artists who have demonstrated excellence throughout their careers, and whose practices are constantly evolving. Fisher has exhibited extensively in solo and group exhibitions across the United States, her work is featured in numerous corporate collections, and has appeared in major Hollywood films.

Over the past few months in quarantine, Fisher has been very busy. Setting up a workspace in her home, Fisher began a Mail Art project. In the spirit of artist Ray Johnson, and many other mail artists of the past, this project intends to connect with people, surprise them with the delight of a package in the mailbox, and to place original artwork in the hands of collectors!

Barbara Fisher "Mail Art" display
Barbara Fisher pictured in artist studio

Since mid-March, Fisher has sent out 66 small paintings, all part of a series titled "Tiny Mutant Totems." Inspired by her recent larger scale Mutant paintings, Fisher describes these works as "genetic experiments gone wrong." Some closely resemble viruses under the microscope, and though this was not necessarily intended, the works to possess an eerily prescient quality, both visually and in concept. Take a look at a few of these works below...

Barbara Fisher "Tiny Mutant" print 1
Mixed media painting by Barbara Fisher titled "Mutant"
Mixed media painting by Barbara Fisher titled "Mutant 1"
Barbara Fisher "Mutant 15" print

Outskirts of Town by Barbara Fisher, a stunning mixed media painting from her "Tangled Mapping" series, is currently featured in our Online Silent Auction, which provides the perfect opportunity to collect work from this incredible talented artist. The painting, a complex but contemplative work about order and chaos, brings to mind aerial view of a city or its transit maps. This larger body of work address maps in the literal sense, as well as the more abstract notions of tangled thoughts, the brain's "mysterious circuitry," and combines a zen approach to painting with the artists studied sense of composition and color.


Works by Barbara Fisher are always available for viewing and purchase at Stanek Gallery. Click on the button below to see more from the artist!

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